December 10, 2021

The Saturn V

 To me, one of the highlights of our visit to the Houston Space Center was the stop at the Saturn V rocket display.  This thing is HUGE.  It is a little mind boggling to stand there and think about task this machine was designed for and the limited technology (by today's standards) that was available to make it happen.

December 9, 2021

Houston Space Center

 A couple of weeks ago, I took Pete and his robotics team to a competition in Houston, Texas.  We headed down a day early so that we could spend a day at the Houston Space Center at the NASA facility.  It was well worth the extra day, the place was amazing and it was a lot of fun to be there with a group of engineering kids.  It was really cool to see the space shuttle, the Space K Falcon 9, and everything else.  When we finished at the space center, we made a quick stop at the beach.
