The other night, my wife and I had the opportunity to go the Utah Jazz game. Now, I'm not a big sports fan, and I don't put a lot of effort into following the Jazz, but when I'm offered tickets to the game, I'm always glad to go. Especially when the seats are on the sixth row. It was a great game, the Jazz played well and pulled off the win in overtime. It also gave me a chance to work on my action photography, something I do very little of. I wanted to be somewhat inconspicuous, so I brought along the 5D III and the 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO lens. I was concerned that the glass was a bit slow, but the high ISO performance of the 5D III more than made up for it. I was able to shoot at ISO 3200-4000 and still kept my shutter at 1/500 sec to stop the action. I think my biggest struggle was getting into the rhythm of anticipating the action. It was a fun night and I came home with a lot of images, most of which weren't worth saving :o)