February 2, 2014

Shutter Speed

Yesterday I went in search of some Bald Eagles, knowing that the odds would be slim that I'd see any.  I saw one.  Flying away from me.  Far, far away.  Other than a few ducks and some seagulls, there wasn't much else around.  As I was headed back to the main road, I came upon a couple of guys prepping their air-boat to head out into the bay.  I stopped and watched them, because I knew they would be headed down the main channel, I thought it might make for a good shot.  While waiting, I decided that the spinning prop on the boat would make a good example on the effects of shutter speeds.

So, I grabbed my 5D Mk III with the 70-200 f/2.8L IS II set it to Tv (shutter priority) and auto ISO.  I started at 1/8000 sec and took a shot at each click, all the way down to 1/4 Sec.  I've included images at full stop increments to illustrate the difference.  

Take a close look at each of the images and pay attention to the amount of motion blur in the prop.  You can see at 1/8000, the motion of the prop is stopped completely.  At 1/2000, you can start to see the motion.  At 1/1000, the motion is noticeable, and get progressively more apparent form there.  By about 1/30 sec, the prop all but disappears.  At 1/4 sec, it's difficult to make out the outline of the spinning prop.

And, just because I want to make sure that you get your money's worth, take a close look at the depth of field as we move from f/2.8 in the first image to f/32 in the last.  It's especially noticeable if you watch Antelope Island in the background. 

 1/8000 Sec - f/2.8 - ISO 800

 1/4000 Sec - f/2.8 - ISO 400

1/2000 Sec - f/2.8 - ISO 200 

1/1000 Sec - f/3.2 - ISO 100 

 1/500 Sec - f/4.0 - ISO 100

 1/250 Sec - f/5.6 - ISO 100

 1/125 Sec - f/8.0 - ISO 100

 1/60 Sec - f/11 - ISO 100

1/30 Sec - f/16 - ISO 100 

1/15 Sec - f/25 - ISO 100

 1/8 Sec - f/32 - ISO 100

1/4 Sec - f/32 - ISO 100

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